rharris | |
Joined 2/23/2015 Loc: Mo, USA | Posted 8/9/2024 11:50:45 AM CST Shot over 4 nights in the Ozarks, below is my interpretation of the data from the scope/camera combo used for 18.5 hours of data. I'm especially impressed with the Ha footprint, which I attached the Ha stacked frame below as well for review. Full shot details are on my website: https://ozarkhillsobservatory.com/veil-nebula-astrophotography-over-ozark-hills/ Astrophotographer: Richard Harris
Ozark Hills Observatory I love gear, don't judge me. (SCOPES) 14" f/8 ACF Optics - 2845mm focal length, TEC 180FL f/7 1260 mm focal length with Astro-Physics QUAD TCC Reducer (f/5), Takahashi TOA-130-NFB, 12" f/10 ACF - 3048mm (f/10) focal length, 12.5 AG Optical Truss,Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4,. Orion 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain (7.1") 2700mm focal length (f/15), RedCat 51 II APO 250mm f/4.9, Meade 70 mm Series 6000 Astrograph Quadruplet APO Refractor, RedCat 71, Sharpstar 150mm f/2.8 HNT Hyperbolic Newtonian Astrograph, (MOUNTS) RST-300, Paramount MX Series 6, Losmandy G11 / Gemini II, ZWO AM5, LXD75, (CAMERAS) ZWO ASI6200MM Pro, ASI2600MM Pro, QHY 268C EB, QHY5-III Guider / Planetary, ASI120MM Guide, Canon 6D Full Frame, ZWO filters, Chroma 3nm SHO/RGB
rharris | |
Joined 2/23/2015 Loc: Mo, USA | Posted 8/10/2024 1:40:42 PM CST
You know that moment when you started at an image for way to long during processing, and you completely missed a gradient floating over everything!? Here’s an update! Sorry for burning your retinas with my horrible gradients! Rich
Ozark Hills Observatory I love gear, don't judge me. (SCOPES) 14" f/8 ACF Optics - 2845mm focal length, TEC 180FL f/7 1260 mm focal length with Astro-Physics QUAD TCC Reducer (f/5), Takahashi TOA-130-NFB, 12" f/10 ACF - 3048mm (f/10) focal length, 12.5 AG Optical Truss,Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4,. Orion 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain (7.1") 2700mm focal length (f/15), RedCat 51 II APO 250mm f/4.9, Meade 70 mm Series 6000 Astrograph Quadruplet APO Refractor, RedCat 71, Sharpstar 150mm f/2.8 HNT Hyperbolic Newtonian Astrograph, (MOUNTS) RST-300, Paramount MX Series 6, Losmandy G11 / Gemini II, ZWO AM5, LXD75, (CAMERAS) ZWO ASI6200MM Pro, ASI2600MM Pro, QHY 268C EB, QHY5-III Guider / Planetary, ASI120MM Guide, Canon 6D Full Frame, ZWO filters, Chroma 3nm SHO/RGB
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