Advertise With Us

Advertise with ScopeTrader

Through our media platforms we annually reach over 12 million mobile astronomers, publishers, marketers, industry influencers, and astrophotography professionals impacted by the astronomy industry.

ScopeTrader is the #1 source for astronomy related content anywhere.

What distinguishes us from other content providers is our exclusive focus on astronomers, app entrepreneurs, or decision makers for astronomy and telescope projects. Covering everything from telescopes & mounts, to cameras, filters, observatories, accessories, and many more categories, it's all covered right here.

Through our web and mobile platforms, we dominate the niche of astronomy news, and content, and the changing the way content relevant to our industry is created, distributed, consumed and shared.

If your business needs to engage with astronomers then our native content marketing, and digital ad products will provide you with an affordable, targeted opportunity to promote your products and your brand.

Advertising Opportunities

Daily Newsletter Sponsorship

Our daily newsletter reaches over 80,000 astronomer e-email inboxes across the globe! We offer top content locations, banner ads, and sponsored links inside the newsletter itself, as well as special dedicated newsletter sends of your content exclusively.

Content Marketing

Write, publish, promote! Our content marketing solutions provide you with the opportunity to post your relevant content directly on our website and magazine.

Digital Display Ad Products

Your Brand, Our Platform. We offer a diverse set of digital ad solutions across all of our platforms. Our digital ad opportunities, including traditional banner ads, have the opportunity to appear natively on our website and mobile properties. Astronomers come to us to read content because we are an authority in the industry. Your ad will appear seamlessly with our content. We also offer opportunities to highlight your white papers, blog entries, and more. Our readers want content, let us showcase yours.

Magazine Advertisement

Your Brand, Our Flagship. ScopeTrader is our flagship property and is unique within the astronomy industry. Our layout and design rivals other top magazines worldwide. By associating your brand and content, we provide the opportunity to elevate your brand beyond your competitors.

Ready to get started?

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