NGC5005 and 5033 astrophoto from the TS-Optics 10 inch ONTC
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Jon Main |
Astrophotographer Jon Main has been fascinated by the galaxy NGC5005 for months, inspired by a striking Hubble image. Despite some technical issues and the galaxy not showing expected details, he persisted. The nearby galaxy NGC5033 turned out to be more colorful and detailed. Here’s Jon’s final image of both galaxies, captured with his TS-Optics 10 inch telescope.
I have been interested in imaging NGC5005 for several months, ever since I saw the Hubble image of this galaxy. The Hubble image showed bright blue regions that I interpreted as active star formation. In hindsight, it should have been obvious that the Hubble team took some 'creative liberties' with the data and made the Ha regions blue. I stuck with the project even though NGC5005 had no obvious Ha regions coming out in my data. NGC5033, on the other hand, was full of interesting color, structure, and Ha regions.
I made a few goofs during capture that led to a somewhat lower-quality final image:
1) I forgot to dither during my second capture session.
2) I forgot to turn the guiding back on after making some adjustments prior to my 3rd set of red exposures.
NGC5005 & NGC5033 in RGB captured with the TS-Optics 10 inch ONTC
NGC 5005, also known as Caldwell 29, is an inclined spiral galaxy situated in the constellation Canes Venatici. It features a bright nucleus and a luminous disk marked by several dust lanes. Due to its high surface brightness, NGC 5005 is observable by amateur astronomers with large telescopes. The estimated distance to NGC 5005 ranges between 45 million and 113 million light-years, with an average distance of about 65 million light-years.
NGC 5033 is another inclined spiral galaxy in the same constellation, Canes Venatici. Distance estimates for this galaxy range from 38 million to 60 million light-years from the Milky Way. NGC 5033 is characterized by a bright nucleus and a relatively faint disk, with noticeable warping in its southern half. Its large angular size and high surface brightness make it accessible for observation and imaging by amateur astronomers. Additionally, its proximity to Earth and active galactic nucleus make it a frequent subject of study for professional astronomers.
NGC5005 and NGC5033 - RGB plate-solving information
- RA (center): 13h12m03s.933
- RA (top/left): 13h14m28s.825
- RA (top/right): 13h14m54s.509
- RA (bottom/right): 13h09m36s.279
- RA (bottom/left): 13h09m16s.471
- Dec (center): +36°55′14″.37
- Dec (top/left): +36°07′40″.87
- Dec (top/right): +37°39′12″.55
- Dec (bottom/right): +37°42′30″.20
- Dec (bottom/left): +36°10′51″.99
Image acquisition details
- Dates: May 28, 2024, May 30, 2024, June 4, 2024
- Frames: Antlia V-Pro Blue 50 mm: 80×90″(2h) (gain: 100.00) -10°C, Antlia V-Pro Green 50 mm: 80×90″(2h) (gain: 100.00) -10°C, Antlia V-Pro Red 50 mm: 80×90″(2h) (gain: 100.00) -10°C
- Integration: 6h
- Avg. Moon age: 23.01 days
- Avg. Moon phase: 44.00%
- Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 3.00
- RA center: 13h12m03s.933
- DEC center: +36°55′14″.37
- Pixel scale: 0.670 arcsec/pixel
- Orientation: 92.880 degrees
- Field radius: 0.932 degrees
- WCS transformation: thin plate spline
- Resolution: 8245x5676
- File size: 21.0 MB
- Locations: Kirby Storter Roadside Park, Ochopee, FL, United States
- Data source: Traveller
Equipment used to capture NGC5005 & NGC5033
- Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses: TS-Optics 250mm/10" ONTC f/4 Newtonian (carbon tube)
- Imaging Cameras: ZWO ASI6200MM Pro
- Mounts: iOptron CEM70
- Filters: Antlia V-Pro Blue 50 mm · Antlia V-Pro Green 50 mm · Antlia V-Pro Red 50 mm
- Guiding Cameras: ZWO ASI174MM Mini
- Catseye Collimation CATSEYE Collimation System
- Tele Vue 3" BIG Paracorr Type-2 (VIP-3010)
- ZWO EFW 7 x 2″
- Aries Productions Astro Pixel Processor (APP)
- Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
- Russell Croman Astrophotography BlurXTerminator
- Russell Croman Astrophotography NoiseXTerminator
- Russell Croman Astrophotography StarXTerminator
NGC5005 and 5033 sky plot
Acquisition details continued
- Celestial hemisphere: Northern
- Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)
- Contains:
- HD114357
- HD114744
- HD114975
- NGC 5002
- NGC 5005
- NGC 5014
- NGC 5033
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