Jon Main

Jon Main

Jon Main is a 46 year old, recently retired pharmacist living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has been interested in astronomy since a young age and purchased his first telescope, a 10" Dobsonian, when he was 14 years old. At that time he was interested in astrophotography but it was out of his financial reach. In January of 2023 his interest was rekindled during a trip to Oregon, his home state. While staying overnight at Crater Lake he took a cellphone image of the Milky Way over the lake. Since then he went down the gear rabbit hole progressing from a: 1) DSLR and tripod 2) A mirrorless camera and star tracker 3) A carbon fiber Newtonian and dedicated astro camera mounted on an iOptron CEM70. He has been constantly working to improve his skills in both image acquisition and processing. Recently, he was honored to have won IOTD on AstroBin for his image for NGC4565. (

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