CodeTalker chart generator from Ephemeris Service and Star Catalogs
Monday, May 6, 2024
Freeman Lightner |
CodeTalker, the chart generator program from Ephemeris Service and Star Catalogs offers dynamic tracking of celestial objects, aligning with your telescope's specific settings for optimal viewing. Available under GNU GPL v3.0, it includes a manual for easy setup.
In a recent development, a new software tool has been launched that allows astronomers to seamlessly integrate data from JPL Horizons with stars cataloged in GAIA DR3. Created to address specific challenges in observing faint moons and swiftly moving asteroids termed "fasteroids" by its creator—the software is designed to generate precise star charts deep enough to capture these elusive celestial bodies.
CodeTalker chart generator from Ephemeris Service and Star Catalogs
The creator emphasized the necessity for a tool that could accurately track fasteroids, which move several arcseconds per minute, making them difficult to observe with standard software. The software adjusts the position of celestial objects based on the user's specific geographic coordinates—latitude, longitude, and elevation—to enhance accuracy.
One of the standout features of this innovative tool is the "Update" button. This functionality allows users to refresh their observational data in real time. It proves especially useful in the field, where astronomers need to continually update their position to track fasteroids from the moment they are oriented to the time they successfully spot their target. This feature underlines the software's commitment to providing astronomers with the tools they need to follow rapidly moving objects in the night sky effectively.
CodeTalker revision history:
- Added Presets of one day, week, and month to ephemeris generator
- Fixed cryptic exception message when ephemeris end time earlier than start time
- Fixed IMCCE observer location
- Added Repeating SIMBAD ID when it fails to retrieve single object
- Added 15 days default paths for SkyCharts
- Added Site Selection
- Added Range to ephemeris
- Fixed Exception handling for failed Syncs
- Fixed blank DSS Label while Fetching Image
- Fixed ESA server error message
- Fixed Longitude error message
- Fixed ephemeris intervals
- Fixed Simbad plus signs in identifier not working, ie SBSG 1116+518
- Fixed exception after error message when trying to get asteroid orbital elements from IMCCE
- v24.2.19
- Fixed Latitude, Longitude, Elevation change not registered
Original Release
Links to the installer, manual, and the latest version
Included with the software is a manual that provides an initial walkthrough to assist you in getting started.
You can download the latest version of the software and the manual from this link:
As updates are made to the program, both the installer and the manual will be updated accordingly.
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