astro tuff truk

astro tuff truk news search results

Developer news items we found relating to astro tuff truk

1 results

Astro TUFF TRUK telescope trolleys

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 by

Astro TUFF TRUK, a company based in East Yorkshire, England, is known for producing custom-built mobile platforms and piers for telescopes. ATT's product lineup caters to a wide variety of telescope configurations, including: STD 800 Pier TRUK The STD 800 Pier TRUK is a heavy-duty platform built to support larger telescopes mounted on piers. With a focus ...

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Dont let the weight of your scope limit the hobby, Astro TUFF TRUK makes every set up a smooth ride. View more about ATT (Astro Tuff Truk