80mm binoculars

Found in the Classifieds

Photo Ads Price Post Date
Category: Binoviewer
Location: NC
Condition: Good
$1,250.00 7/1/2024 8:17:08 AM
Views: 70
Category: Binoculars
Location: New Hampshire
Condition: New
$69.00 5/15/2024 9:33:45 AM
Views: 208

80mm binoculars news search results

Developer news items we found relating to 80mm binoculars

1 results

APM MS 16x80 EDL APO Magnesium Series binoculars

Thursday, April 25, 2024 by

Years ago, high-quality 80mm binoculars were often prohibitively expensive. Now, with the APM MS ED-L series, we provide top-notch apochromatic binoculars at an attractive price. Our 16x80 model excels in both optical and mechanical design. It features a 5mm exit pupil and over 30% more light-gathering capability than 70mm models, enhancing your viewing experience. The ...